Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Kings Canyon: Feb 23

Kings Canyon. Wow! Another early morning and tough hike but another beautiful view from the top and along the way. In the afternoon, we arrived in Alice Springs with mixed emotions. Our farewell dinner was our last meal with half the group as their tour ended in Alice Springs and the rest of us continued up to Darwin. I can't think of a better way to spend our last night together than watching the gold medal hockey game at a bar (at least the Canadians enjoyed it).
The first hill we climbed at Kings Canyon (also known as heart attack hill)

Finally, I made it to the top

Fossilized waves from when this Australian desert used to be under water millions of years ago

Black Lake in the middle of the canyon


  1. Beautiful views but what a hike!!

  2. Tracy - one of my favourite places we visited was King's Canyon! I am so glad you got to see it. Sleeping underground in CP was one of the best sleeps we had there. So dark and cool. I hope you continue to love it. Jeff and I are visiting Betty & Dale in Florida right now. (Kathy)

    1. I definitely loved sleeping underground as well and the views from Kings Canyon were incredible! I'm on the east coast now and as much as I love the beaches, I surely do miss the views from the hikes!
